ELENA 1st nw-Technical Training School
The 1st network wide Technical Training School was held in Delft, Netherlands, from November 12th to 17th 2017.
This 5 day training school served to establish a common basis of understanding of the fundamental physical and chemical processes as well as material science behind EUVL and FEBID and, at the same time, to give the ESRs the opportunity to get in touch with state-of-the-art nanotechnology research facilities and important industrial players. The 1st nw-TTS also served as a team building experience. This was achieved through a dedicated session with short ESRs oral presentations where they introduced themselves and gave a short account of their cultural and educational background, by an exchange fair, which gave the ESRs the opportunity to get in touch with their secondment hosts, and through the one-day team-building excursion and group dinners.
Lecturers in the training school were Prof. Cornelis W. Hagen (TU-Delft), Dr. Danilo de Simone (IMEC), Prof. Oddur Ingólfsson (UIce), Prof. Petra Swiderek (Univ. Bremen), Hans Mulders (Thermo Fischer Scientific), Prof. Fred Brouwer (ARCNL), Dr. Ivo Utke (EMPA), Luc van Kessel and Kerim Arat (TU-Delft).
The ESRs also had a excursion to VLLAIR lab at TU Delft and Kavli Nanofacility, ASML in Veldhoven, Phenom World in Eindhoven and MAPPER Lithography BV in Delft.